2023 Tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN pdf Dilengkapi Jawaban, Pelajari Contoh Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris BUMN Batch 2

- 5 Januari 2023, 17:31 WIB
contoh tes bahasa inggris BUMN pdf.
contoh tes bahasa inggris BUMN pdf. /Pexels/cottonbro studio

11. ‘Why didn’t Didi wan to go home?’ ‘ His mother …… him for causing the car accident’

A. would blame
B. has blamed
C. is blaming
D. had blamed

Jawaban: D

12. The Lecture regarded the student’s theory with ....... considering the overall idea creative, but the logic behind the specificdetails unsound.

a. Consternation
b. Deliberation
c. Condescension
d. Ambivalence

Jawaban: D

13. Education in Indonesia is the ..... of school, goverment and society.

a. responsible
b. responsive
c. responsibly
d. responsibility

Jawaban: D

14. To entice companies, Skype has partenered with Avaya, a major seller of corporate phonesystems, to get his bundle of products to businesses that use Internet-based systems. No error


Editor: Al Mahfud


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