2023 Tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN pdf Dilengkapi Jawaban, Pelajari Contoh Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris BUMN Batch 2

- 5 Januari 2023, 17:31 WIB
contoh tes bahasa inggris BUMN pdf.
contoh tes bahasa inggris BUMN pdf. /Pexels/cottonbro studio

a. To entice
b. has partenered
c. his
d. that
e. No error

Jawaban : C

15. ‘Andi, will you slose the windows, please. I’m busy right now’. I’m busy my self, but I ………anyhow.

a. Will close them
b. Will have to close them
c. Will have them closed
d. Will ask you to close them

Jawaban: C

16. The term "support staff" is often used to describe employees that perform lower-level task but also are providing essential administrative duties for executive-level managers.

a. that perform lower-level tasks but also are providing
b. performing lower-level tasks but also providing
c. who perform lower-level tasks, but also providing
d. that performs lower-level task but also provide
e. who perform lower-level tasks but also provide

Jawaban: E

17. The Actor’s Studio, a professional actors’ workshop in New York City, provides ...... whereactors can work together without the pressure of commercial production.

a. a place and
b. a place
c. so that a place
d. a place is


Editor: Al Mahfud


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