30 Soal Ujian UT PGSD Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2024 dan Kunci Jawaban Bocoran Contoh UAS UT PGSD PDGK4304

- 25 Juni 2024, 10:34 WIB
Ilustrasi seseorang sedang mengantuk saat belajar
Ilustrasi seseorang sedang mengantuk saat belajar //Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

Jawaban: B

32. New comer : ....
Linda : No, it does not. You must take the other bus.
A. Do you know which bus goes to the railway station?
B. Can you tell me which bus goes to Bandar Lampung?
C. Excuse me. Which bus goes to Surabaya?
D. Excuse me. Does this bus go to the zoo?

Jawaban: D

Baca Juga: DAFTAR Posisi yang Dibuka untuk Petugas Haji Cek Detail Formasi Pendaftaran TKHI dan PPIH 2024 haji 1445 H

33. Martin : How often does the bus come?
Mary : ....
A. Here is the new bus schedule
B. It comes every 15 minutes
C. The bus often comes late
D. Four thousand rupiahs

Jawaban: B

34. Any : ...
Hana : Take the Mayasari Bus number 05, and then get off at Ratu Plaza. Cross the road to Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. My office is in Building C, 13th floor.
A. Which bus does it go to your office?
B. How do you go to your office?
C. How do I get to your office?
D. Where is your office?

Jawaban: C

35. Marla : .......
Patta : It costs about Rp. 1.700.000,-
A. What time does the first flight by Garuda leave for Makasar?
B. Could you give me the flight schedule to Makasar, please?
C. How much does the Garuda ticket to Makasar cost?
D. Excuse me. Is there still a flight to Makasar?

Jawaban: C


Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib


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