30 Soal Ujian UT PGSD Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2024 dan Kunci Jawaban Bocoran Contoh UAS UT PGSD PDGK4304

- 25 Juni 2024, 10:34 WIB
Ilustrasi seseorang sedang mengantuk saat belajar
Ilustrasi seseorang sedang mengantuk saat belajar //Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

17. What time is it?
It is ...
A. a quarter past twelve
B. a quarter to twelve
C. twelve fourty-five
D. twelve fifteen

Jawaban: A

18. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is ...
A. Saturday
B. Thursday
C. Tuesday
D. Friday

Jawaban: B

19. Teacher : Where is Arini?
Student : She ... in the library at he moment.
A. study
B. studies
C. stuying
D. is studing

Jawaban: D

20. Up to the present, Rita ... the first chapter of her project paper.
A. does
B. is doing
C. has done
D. have done

Jawaban: C

21. Receptionist : National Library. Good afternoon.
Shirley : Good afternoon. ....
Receptionist : I’m sorry. He is out for lunch.
A. Is it seven six three, five three, four five?
B. May I speak to Mr. Haryono, please?
C. Is it the National Library?
D. This is Shirley speaking

Jawaban: B


Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib


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