A = [1, 2, 3; 1 4 1; 2, 1, 9] dan B = [1, 0, 5; 0, 2, -2; 1, 1, 4] Periksa apakah matriks A ekuivalen baris

- 9 Juni 2024, 08:38 WIB
Lima (5) Tugas/Pekerjaan Dialokasikan Ke-4 (Empat) Mesin, Sedangkan Matriks Biaya Alokasi (Dalam Ribuan) Terlihat
Lima (5) Tugas/Pekerjaan Dialokasikan Ke-4 (Empat) Mesin, Sedangkan Matriks Biaya Alokasi (Dalam Ribuan) Terlihat /Pexels.com / olia danilevich/

Here are the steps to perform elementary row operations:

Swap two rows.
Multiply a row by a nonzero scalar.
Add a multiple of one row to another row.

We can start by performing these operations on matrix A to see if we can transform it into matrix B. If we can, then A is row equivalent to B.

Let's perform the operations and check if A can be transformed into B.



Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib


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