Apa Itu Recount Text? Berikut Ciri dan Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Recount Text dan jawaban

- 4 Maret 2023, 06:37 WIB
Ilustrasi Apa Itu Recount Text
Ilustrasi Apa Itu Recount Text /pexels.com

Portal Kudus - Soal bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 sering dijumpai dengan jenis teks berupa Recount text.

Recount text merupakan jenis teks yang ditujukan untuk menceritakan kejadian yang sudah terjadi di masa lampau. Soal Recount text harus dipahami lewat ciri-ciri yang ada.

Hal utama yang bisa diketahui jenis teks itu adalah Recount text yaitu penggunaan to be 2 atau verb (kata kerja) kedua.

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Penggunaan conjuntion untuk mengurutkan kejadian juga menjadi ciri Recount text. Selain itu ada adverb atau adverbphial phrase untuk menunjukkan waktu, tempat, dan cara.

Agar lebih tahu simaklah soal kelas 10 semester 2 tentang Recount text beserta kunci jawabannya:

Few of my friends spent last holiday by having

vacation in several tourist destinations, but I prefered to stay home. I chose to focus to help my parents run our online business because it was a big opportunity

to gain a lot of money.

One morning, I served a customer. He was a new buyer, so he asked me detailed information about our products. We chatted about an hour, but he had not decided to buy the product. Then, he left the chat room.

In the afternoon, he greeted me via chat room

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and I replied it. He left the chat again. In the evening, he chatted me agaln, Actually, Iwas a bit annoyed, but I tried to calm down myself. I replied it politely. Suddenly, he wrote his order, 100 pleces of blankets. He also apologlzed for leaving the chat twice. He explained that he was on duty to evacuate people because of the flood. He asked me to send the blankets the following morning. He transfered me 20% as down payment. l accepted the order. Then, my parents and packed the blankets.

The next morning, l went to the refugee camp to send the blankets. I arrived there and informed the rescue team that I wanted to meet Indra Sastranegara. However, nobody knew him.I was so socked.I thought that he lied. Suddenly, my phone rang. He called me and asked my posistion. I saw a man running to me and said that he was Indra Sastranegara. One of his friends said to me, "Sorry, we call him Ega.

1. The text is about the writer's experience when.....

A. having vacation

B. staying in a refugee camp

C. meeting a new person

D. running an online business

E. fleeing because of flood

Jawaban: D

Teks tersebut menceritakan pengalaman

penulis ketika menjalankan bisnis online yaitu

la mendapat pelanggan baru yang memesan

selimut untuk para korban banjir. Jadi, pilihan

jawaban (D) benar.

2. How did the writer feel in the end of the story?

A. Pleased.

B. Socked.

C. Worried.

D. Annoyed.

E. Relieved.

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Jawaban: E

Di akhir cerita penulis mengirim selimut, tetapi

a tidak menemukan orang yang memesan.

Akhirnya, pembeli itu datang. Hal itu

menunjukkan bahwa penulis akhirnya merasa

lega karena ia bertemu dengan pembeli itu.

Jadi, pilihan jawaban (E) benar.

*) Disclaimer: Artikel ini bersifat sementara tidak mutlak, dan hanya ditujukan kepada peserta didik untuk memandu proses belajar. Portal Kudus tidak bertanggung jawab jika terjadi kesalahan. Untuk pertanyaan di atas, jawaban tidak terpaku pada kunci jawaban diatas.***

Editor: Ahmad Khakim


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