CONTOH Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1 Beserta Jawabannya 2022 SMA SMK Kurikulum 2013

- 7 Desember 2022, 12:52 WIB
contoh soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 semester 1 beserta jawabannya 2022 SMA SMK kurikulum 2013
contoh soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 semester 1 beserta jawabannya 2022 SMA SMK kurikulum 2013 /

Jawaban: C

9. Diya : What will you be doing at 7 tomorrow morning?
Jany : _____
Diya : Oh, I see. its interesting t have such a beautiful flowers.
A. I will be at home
B. I will be gardening
C. I will gor for climbing
D. I always run with my friends
E. I am eating

Jawaban: B

10. Leonard : I dont know what would happen if I missed the bus
Anneke : Well, ______
A. You would not be able to deliver your speech in the meeting
B. you would be in the meeting to give your presentation
C. you would arrive at school on time to take the test
D. your boss will be angry and cut your sallary
E. you will starving

Jawaban: A

11. Tourist : Can we see the inside part of the temple?
Officer : I'm sorry, Sir. _______ It will be available for the public in one month
A. its being renovated
B. it was constructed
C. it has been built
D. it will be repairing
E. it will rain

Jawaban: A

Baca Juga: KUMPULAN SOAL UAS PKN Kelas 11 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Tahun 2022 Beserta Kunci Jawabannya

12. "____ preciuos things"
the synonym of the italics word is . . .
A. usual     D. expensive
B. special   E. common
C. valuable

Jawaban: B

13. Ana : I cant stand any longer. This cold is getting
Dika : _______ It will help relieve your throat
A. Would you like to take a rest
B. You should go to hospital
C. I'll make you a hot orange drink
D. How about haveng surgery
E. you should drink ice

Jawaban: C

14. On our way ______ the campsite, we saw beautiful scenery along the road
A. on  D. from
B. to   E. in
C. for

Jawaban: B

15. We ____ at Milla's house and left after breakfast
A. gathered  D. summed
B. collected  E. arrenged
C. united

Jawaban: A

16. On new year's eve, my friends and I went camping in a wood out of town. We ____ a group of ten
A. are    D. have been
B. was   E. is
C. were

Jawaban: C


Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib


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