25 SOAL PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2023 dan Kunci Jawaban Contoh Soal

23 November 2023, 15:30 WIB
Simak inilah 25 contoh soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 1 kurikulum merdeka tahun 2023 dan kunci jawaban contoh soal. /tangkap layar

Portal Kudus - Simak inilah 25 contoh soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 1 kurikulum merdeka tahun 2023 dan kunci jawaban contoh soal.

Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 1 menandai tahap penting dalam perjalanan pendidikan siswa, memperlihatkan tingkat penguasaan mereka terhadap bahasa Inggris dalam konteks Kurikulum Merdeka.

Kurikulum ini dikenal dengan pendekatan holistiknya, yang tidak hanya menekankan pada penguasaan tata bahasa dan kosa kata.

Tetapi juga pada pengembangan kemampuan berpikir kritis, ekspresi diri, dan pemahaman mendalam terhadap teks-teks yang lebih kompleks.

PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 1 mencakup aspek-aspek yang mencerminkan pemahaman bahasa Inggris yang lebih dalam, termasuk analisis teks sastra.

Penerapan strategi membaca yang canggih, dan pengembangan kemampuan berbicara dan menulis yang lebih kompleks.

Baca Juga: 30 Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2023 dan Kunci Jawaban Soal

Ujian ini dirancang untuk mendorong siswa untuk mengaitkan penggunaan bahasa dengan konteks budaya dan memahami implikasi makna di balik teks.

Soal-soal PAS Bahasa Inggris menggambarkan penerapan pemahaman bahasa Inggris dalam konteks situasional dan beraneka ragam topik.

Evaluasi ini mencakup pemahaman mendalam terhadap teks non-fiksi, pengetahuan sastra, pemilihan kata yang tepat, serta kemampuan analisis dan sintesis yang dibutuhkan untuk mengartikulasikan pemikiran dengan jelas dan efektif.

Dalam menghadapi PAS Bahasa Inggris, siswa diharapkan untuk mampu tidak hanya memahami konsep-konsep yang lebih kompleks dalam bahasa Inggris, tetapi juga menerapkannya dengan kontekstual dan kreatif.

Kurikulum Merdeka menekankan pada pengembangan keterampilan berbahasa yang lebih tinggi, yang melibatkan penguasaan struktur kalimat kompleks, pemahaman subteks, dan penerapan kosa kata yang bervariasi.

Dengan menghadapi evaluasi ini, siswa tidak hanya diuji pada aspek akademis, tetapi juga pada kemampuan mereka untuk berpikir kritis, mengemukakan argumen dengan logis, dan berkomunikasi secara efektif dalam bahasa Inggris.

Melalui PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 1, diharapkan siswa dapat mengukur kemajuan mereka dan meraih pencapaian baru dalam pemahaman dan penguasaan bahasa Inggris, memberikan pondasi yang kokoh untuk perkembangan lebih lanjut dalam pendidikan mereka.

Berikut adalah 10 contoh soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 1 kurikulum Merdeka pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya:

Baca Juga: 25 Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2023 dan Kunci Jawaban Soal

1.Choose the correct sentence with the correct use of the past perfect tense:
a. She had finished her homework before she went to bed.
b. She finishing her homework before she went to bed.
c. She finishes her homework before she went to bed.
d. She will finish her homework before she went to bed.

Jawaban: a

2.What is the correct form of the future perfect continuous tense in the sentence: "By tomorrow, they _______ for ten hours"?
a. Will working
b. Will have been working
c. Will have work
d. Will be working

Jawaban: b

3.Identify the correct form of the verb: "She insisted that he _______ her the truth."
a. Tells
b. Telling
c. Told
d. Tell

Jawaban: c

4.What is the synonym for the word "ephemeral"?
a. Eternal
b. Temporary
c. Perpetual
d. Enduring

Jawaban: b

Baca Juga: 30 CONTOH SOAL PAS Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 11 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2023 dan Kunci Jawaban Soal

5.In which sentence is the word "gregarious" used correctly?
a. The gregarious cat enjoyed alone time.
b. He is a gregarious person, always seeking solitude.
c. The gregarious birds flew away together.
d. She acted in a gregarious manner when faced with a challenge.

Jawaban: c

6.Choose the correct relative pronoun: "The book _______ is on the shelf is mine."
a. What
b. Who
c. Whom
d. Whose

Jawaban: a

7.What is the antonym for the word "ephemeral"?
a. Lasting
b. Brief
c. Temporary
d. Fleeting

Jawaban: a

8.Identify the correct form of the adjective: "She has a _______ collection of antique coins."
a. Valuable
b. More valuable
c. Most valuable
d. Value

Jawaban: a

9.Choose the correct sentence with the correct use of the present perfect continuous tense:
a. She is living here for five years.
b. She lives here for five years.
c. She lived here for five years.
d. She has been living here for five years.

Jawaban: d

10.What is the main idea of the passage?
a. The history of the Industrial Revolution.
b. The impact of technology on society.
c. The benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
d. The importance of preserving natural resources.

Jawaban: b

11.Choose the correct sentence with the correct use of the second conditional:
a. If I will have money, I will travel.
b. If I have money, I would travel.
c. If I have money, I will travel.
d. If I had money, I will travel.

Jawaban: c

Baca Juga: 30 CONTOH Soal UAS Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 12 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2023 dan Kunci Jawaban Soal

12.What is the correct form of the reported speech in the sentence: "She said, 'I will come tomorrow'"?
a. She said she will come tomorrow.
b. She said she come tomorrow.
c. She said she would come tomorrow.
d. She said she comes tomorrow.

Jawaban: c

13.Identify the correct form of the verb in the sentence: "The children _______ playing in the park all day."
a. Is
b. Am
c. Are
d. Be

Jawaban: c

14.What is the synonym for the word "ubiquitous"?
a. Rare
b. Widespread
c. Limited
d. Scarce

Jawaban: b

15.In which sentence is the word "voracious" used correctly?
a. He was voracious about finishing his homework.
b. She showed voracious kindness to her friends.
c. The voracious reader finished the book in one sitting.
d. The voracious clouds covered the sky.

Jawaban: c

16.Choose the correct modal verb: "You _______ bring an umbrella; it might rain."
a. Must
b. Should
c. May
d. Might

Jawaban: b

17.What is the correct form of the adjective: "The news about the discovery was _______ exciting."
a. Very
b. More
c. Most
d. Much

Jawaban: c

18.Identify the correct form of the verb in the sentence: "The plane _______ at 3:00 PM."
a. Lands
b. Landing
c. Landed
d. Land

Jawaban: c

Baca Juga: 20 SOAL PAS Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 10 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2023 dan Kunci Jawaban Contoh Soal

19.Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence: "She is fond _______ classical music."
a. Of
b. On
c. In
d. At

Jawaban: a

20.What is the main purpose of the text?
a. To provide instructions on gardening.
b. To describe the process of photosynthesis.
c. To persuade readers to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
d. To narrate a personal experience with nature.

Jawaban: c

21.Choose the correct sentence with the correct use of the present perfect continuous tense:
a. They have been painting the room since yesterday.
b. They are painting the room since yesterday.
c. They have painted the room since yesterday.
d. They painted the room since yesterday.

Jawaban: a

22.Identify the correct form of the adjective: "The movie was _______ than I expected."
a. Boring
b. More boring
c. Most boring
d. Bore

Jawaban: b

23.What is the antonym for the word "exuberant"?
a. Energetic
b. Reserved
c. Lively
d. Enthusiastic

Jawaban: b

24.Choose the correct conjunction to complete the sentence: "She wanted to go to the concert, _______ she couldn't get a ticket."
a. So
b. But
c. Or
d. Because

Jawaban: b

Baca Juga: 20 SOAL PAS Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 10 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2023 dan Kunci Jawaban Contoh Soal

25.In which sentence is the word "disparate" used correctly?
a. The disparate students formed a study group.
b. The teacher had disparate control over the class.
c. The weather was disparate, ranging from hot to cold.
d. The disparate news caused confusion among the listeners.

Jawaban: a

26.Choose the correct relative pronoun: "The girl _______ won the first prize is my sister."
a. What
b. Who
c. Whom
d. Whose

Jawaban: b

27.What is the correct form of the reported speech in the sentence: "He said, 'I am watching a movie'"?
a. He said he am watching a movie.
b. He said he was watching a movie.
c. He said he is watching a movie.
d. He said he watches a movie.

Jawaban: b

28.Identify the correct form of the verb: "The committee _______ its decision tomorrow."
a. Will announcing
b. Will announce
c. Will announced
d. Will be announcing

Jawaban: b

Baca Juga: 25 CONTOH Soal UAS Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 10 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2023 dan Kunci Jawaban Soal

29.What is the main idea of the passage?
a. The benefits of meditation for mental health.
b. The process of creating a sustainable garden.
c. The impact of technology on the environment.
d. The history of renewable energy sources.

Jawaban: a

30.Choose the correct sentence with the correct use of the third conditional:
a. If I will have studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
b. If I study harder, I will pass the exam.
c. If I studied harder, I would pass the exam.
d. If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.

Jawaban: d

Demikian informasi tentang Simak inilah 25 contoh soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 1 kurikulum merdeka tahun 2023 dan kunci jawaban contoh soal.***


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Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib


