CONTOH Teks MC Hari Santri Bahasa Indonesia Upacara Peringatan Hari Santri Nasional 22 Oktober 2023 Disini

- 20 Oktober 2023, 12:30 WIB
Contoh teks MC hari santri Bahasa Indonesia peringatan hari santri nasional 22 Oktober 2023 download disini.
Contoh teks MC hari santri Bahasa Indonesia peringatan hari santri nasional 22 Oktober 2023 download disini. /tangkap layar

It is an honor for me to stand before you today on this auspicious occasion of Hari Santri Nasional.

Today, we gather to celebrate the pivotal role that santri, the backbone of our nation's spiritual and educational values, play in shaping our beloved Indonesia.

Hari Santri is a day to pay tribute to the dedication, knowledge, and unwavering faith of the millions of santri across our country.

These individuals, young and old, commit themselves to the pursuit of both religious and secular education.

They are not just students; they are the guardians of our culture, the bearers of our heritage, and the embodiment of our shared values.

The theme for this year's celebration, "Santri Indonesia: Pilar Kebangsaan yang Tangguh dalam Perubahan" (Indonesian Santri: A Resilient National Pillar Amidst Change), underscores the remarkable resilience and adaptability of santri.

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They have faced challenges head-on, including the recent global pandemic, and continued to pursue knowledge, spirituality, and self-improvement.

Today, we not only honor the past but also inspire the future.

We recognize that santri are the agents of change, holding the keys to societal progress, education, and national identity.


Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib


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