TERBARU Soal TPS UTBK 2023 dan Kunci Jawaban, Contoh Soal Tes Penalaran Matematika, B Inggris, B Indonesia

Tayang: 18 Desember 2022, 22:06 WIB
Penulis: Al Mahfud
Editor: Tim Portal Kudus
pelajari contoh soal TPS UTBK 2023.
pelajari contoh soal TPS UTBK 2023. /Pexels/Pixabay

a. children who have got measles may become difficult to handle because of their behavior.

b. in reality, there are no measles patients who get brain damage.

c. personality changes already occur at the time a child has measles.

d. measles can cause children to become physically handicapped.

e. measles is the first killer of childhood disease in the world.

*Disclaimer: Kumpulan contoh soal yang disajikan di artikel ini sekadar sebagai bahan latihan dan belajar.***


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