Lirik dan Makna Lagu 'Get You' oleh Daniel Caesar

- 15 Juni 2024, 14:04 WIB
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ILUSTRASI pasangan. /Freepik./

Portal Kudus - Artikel ini menyediakan lirik lagu lagu "Get You" yang dinyanyikan oleh Daniel Caesar.

Arti dari lagu ini adalah menggambarkan perasaan cinta yang mendalam dan keindahan hubungan yang saling memenuhi antara dua orang.

Berikut lirik dari lagu "Get You" oleh Daniel Caesar:

Baca Juga: Lirik dan Makna Lagu Take a Chance with Me oleh NIKI

Through drought and famine, natural disasters
My baby has been around for me
Kingdoms have fallen, angels be calling
None of that could ever make me leave

Every time I look into your eyes I see it
You're all I need
Every time I get a bit inside I feel it

Ooh, who would've thought I'd get you?
Ooh, who would've thought I'd get you?

And when we're making love
Your cries they can be heard from far and wide
It's only the two of us
Everything I need's between those thighs

Every time I look into your eyes I see it
You're all I need
Every time I get a bit inside I feel it

Ooh, who would've thought I'd get you?
Oh yeah, oh yeah babe
Ooh, who would've thought I'd get you?

And I'll take some time
Just to be thankful
That I had days full of you, you
Before it winds down into
The memories, it's all just memories


Editor: Kartika Kudus


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