JAWABAN Berapakah Nilai Tunai Transaksi SBI Repo?

- 24 Mei 2024, 14:41 WIB
Ilustrasi nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar AS
Ilustrasi nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar AS /Sumber foto instagram/

To calculate the cash value of the SBI Repo transaction, you can use the following formula:

Cash Value = Nominal Value / (1 - (Discount Rate * Tenor))


Nominal Value = Rp1.250.000.000,-
Discount Rate = 9.50% or 0.095
Tenor = 1 (assuming the tenor is 1 year)

Substitute these values into the formula to find the cash value:

Cash Value = Rp1.250.000.000,- / (1 - (0.095 * 1))
Cash Value = Rp1.250.000.000,- / (1 - 0.095)
Cash Value = Rp1.250.000.000,- / 0.905
Cash Value ≈ Rp1.381.215.469,61

Baca Juga: DISKUSIKAN JAWABAN Sebutkan Empat Konsep Dasar Kehidupan Politik Menurut QS. An-Nisaa’/4: 58-59!

So, the cash value of the SBI Repo transaction is approximately Rp1.381.215.469,61.



Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib


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