JAWABAN Hitunglah Berapa Harga Keseimbangan yang Tercipta di Pasar Jika Dikenakan Pajak Spesifik Rp1 Per Unit!

- 23 Mei 2024, 10:59 WIB
Ilustrasi. Harga gula pasir di Indomaret dan Alfamart
Ilustrasi. Harga gula pasir di Indomaret dan Alfamart /pexels.com/mali maeder/

To find the equilibrium price with a specific tax, we can use the following steps:

Set the demand and supply functions equal to each other to find the equilibrium quantity.
Substitute the equilibrium quantity into either the demand or supply function to find the equilibrium price.
Add the specific tax to the equilibrium price to find the final equilibrium price with the tax.

First, let's find the equilibrium quantity:

P2 + Qd - 9 = 0 (Demand function)
P2 + 12Qs - 5 = 0 (Supply function)

Solving for Qd and Qs:

Qd = 9 - P2
Qs = (P2 + 5) / 12

Setting Qd equal to Qs:

Baca Juga: JAWABAN Bagaimana Saudara Menerapkan Alat Pengendalian Kualitas Secara Berurutan? Jelaskan!

9 - P2 = (P2 + 5) / 12
108 - 12P2 = P2 + 5
13P2 = 103
P2 = 103 / 13
P2 = 7.92

Now, substitute P2 back into either the demand or supply function to find the equilibrium quantity. Let's use the demand function:


Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib


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