30 CONTOH SOAL UTS Bahas Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2023 Beserta Kunci Jawaban Soal

- 6 September 2023, 11:30 WIB
30 contoh soal UTS Bahas Inggris kelas 10 semester 1 kurikulum merdeka tahun 2023 beserta kunci jawaban soal.
30 contoh soal UTS Bahas Inggris kelas 10 semester 1 kurikulum merdeka tahun 2023 beserta kunci jawaban soal. /tangkap layar

Portal Kudus - 30 contoh soal UTS Bahas Inggris kelas 10 semester 1 kurikulum merdeka tahun 2023 beserta kunci jawaban soal.

Simak inilah beberapa rekomendasi contoh soal untuk latihan mengerjakan soal UTS Bahasa Inggris yang sesungguhnya.

Contoh soal yang ada bisa untuk latihan dan sarana media pembelajaran agar semakin mudah dan cepat dalam mengerjakan soal.

Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris pada kelas 10 semester 1 dengan Kurikulum Merdeka adalah momen penting dalam proses pembelajaran.

Kurikulum Merdeka mengusung pendekatan yang lebih luwes dan berfokus pada pengembangan kompetensi berbahasa Inggris siswa.

Baca Juga: CONTOH Soal UTS Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 10 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2023 dan Kunci Jawaban Terbaru

UTS Bahasa Inggris di semester pertama merupakan salah satu tahapan penting dalam mengukur pemahaman siswa terhadap materi yang telah diajarkan.

Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa internasional memiliki peran yang semakin penting dalam era globalisasi.

Ujian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa dalam berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris, baik dalam hal pemahaman mendengarkan (listening), pemahaman membaca (reading), berbicara (speaking), maupun menulis (writing).

Siswa diajak untuk aktif berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang mengutamakan interaksi dan penggunaan bahasa Inggris dalam berbagai situasi.

Melalui UTS ini, diharapkan siswa dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang akan menjadi aset berharga dalam masa depan.

Terutama dalam kompetisi global dan peluang pendidikan dan pekerjaan di tingkat internasional.

Dengan kerja keras dan dedikasi, siswa dapat mencapai hasil yang baik dalam UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka.

Semoga ujian ini menjadi langkah awal menuju penguasaan bahasa Inggris yang lebih baik.

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berikut adalah 20 contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dalam bentuk pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya:

Soal 1:

What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence: "She ____ (to eat) lunch now."
A. eated
B. is eating
C. ate
D. eats

Jawaban: B. is eating

Soal 2:

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: "The ____ was very crowded."
A. beach
B. beautiful
C. book
D. cinema

Jawaban: A. beach

Soal 3:

Which of the following sentences is in the past continuous tense?
A. They will go to the beach tomorrow.
B. She has already finished her homework.
C. He was playing football when it started raining.
D. I am going to the park this evening.

Jawaban: C. He was playing football when it started raining.

Soal 4:

What is the plural form of "child"?
A. childs
B. childes
C. children
D. child's

Jawaban: C. children

Soal 5:

Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?
A. She wrote a beautiful song.
B. The cake was baked by my mother.
C. They are playing in the garden.
D. He will finish his work soon.

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Jawaban: B. The cake was baked by my mother.

Soal 6:

Choose the correct question for the answer: "Yes, I have been to Paris."
A. Have you ever been to Paris?
B. Did you go to Paris yesterday?
C. Are you going to Paris tomorrow?
D. Will you visit Paris soon?

Jawaban: A. Have you ever been to Paris?

Soal 7:

What is the opposite of "happy"?
A. Sad
B. Angry
C. Excited
D. Proud

Jawaban: A. Sad

Soal 8:

Which sentence is correct?
A. I has a dog.
B. She have a cat.
C. They has a bird.
D. He has a fish.

Jawaban: D. He has a fish.

Soal 9:

What is the synonym of "beautiful"?
A. Ugly
B. Pretty
C. Angry
D. Boring

Jawaban: B. Pretty

Soal 10:

Choose the correct form of the verb: "She _____ (to swim) in the pool every morning."
A. swim
B. swam
C. swims
D. swimming

Jawaban: C. swims

Soal 11:

Which sentence is in the future tense?
A. They are playing tennis now.
B. She will visit her grandparents next week.
C. He goes to the gym every day.
D. We watched a movie last night.

Jawaban: B. She will visit her grandparents next week.

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Soal 12:

What is the plural form of "knife"?
A. knifes
B. knive
C. knives
D. knif

Jawaban: C. knives

Soal 13:

Which word is an adverb?
A. Table
B. Quickly
C. Friend
D. Beautiful

Jawaban: B. Quickly

Soal 14:

What is the correct order of words in a question? Example: "you / like / coffee?"
A. Like you coffee?
B. You like coffee?
C. Like coffee you?
D. Coffee like you?

Jawaban: B. You like coffee?

Soal 15:

Which of the following words is a preposition?
A. Jump
B. Under
C. Happy
D. Sing

Jawaban: B. Under

Soal 16:

Choose the correct form of the verb: "I _____ (to study) English every evening."
A. studys
B. studied
C. studying
D. study

Jawaban: D. study

Soal 17:

What is the plural form of "woman"?
A. womans
B. woma
C. women
D. woman's

Jawaban: C. women

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Soal 18:

Which sentence is in the present perfect tense?
A. They will go to the park tomorrow.
B. She has already finished her book.
C. He is playing football right now.
D. I ate lunch an hour ago.

Jawaban: B. She has already finished her book.

Soal 19:

What is the opposite of "big"?
A. Small
B. Tall
C. Fast
D. Strong

Jawaban: A. Small

Soal 20:

Choose the correct question for the answer: "No, I haven't seen it."
A. Did you see the movie last night?
B. Have you ever visited Paris?
C. Will you go to the party tomorrow?
D. Have you watched the new TV series?

Jawaban: D. Have you watched the new TV series?

Soal 21:

What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence: "She ____ (to play) tennis every Saturday."
A. plays
B. playing
C. played
D. play

Jawaban: A. plays

Soal 22:

Which sentence is in the simple past tense?
A. I will visit my grandmother tomorrow.
B. She has been reading a book for an hour.
C. He visited his friend yesterday.
D. They are going to the zoo next weekend.

Jawaban: C. He visited his friend yesterday.

Soal 23:

What is the plural form of "mouse"?
A. mouses
B. mice
C. moose
D. mouse's

Jawaban: B. mice

Soal 24:

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Which word is an adjective?
A. Quickly
B. Jump
C. Beautiful
D. Behind

Jawaban: C. Beautiful

Soal 25:

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: "The weather is so ____ today."
A. cold
B. hot
C. rainy
D. cloudy

Jawaban: B. hot

Soal 26:

What is the synonym of "angry"?
A. Happy
B. Sad
C. Mad
D. Excited

Jawaban: C. Mad

Soal 27:

Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?
A. He ate dinner an hour ago.
B. They will travel to Paris next month.
C. She is reading a book now.
D. We watched a movie last night.

Jawaban: C. She is reading a book now.

Soal 28:

What is the correct order of words in a negative sentence? Example: "I / don't / like / coffee."
A. Like you don't coffee.
B. Don't you like coffee?
C. Like coffee you don't.
D. Coffee like you don't.

Jawaban: B. Don't you like coffee?

Soal 29:

Choose the correct question for the answer: "Yes, I have been to the beach."
A. Have you ever been to the beach?
B. Did you go to the beach yesterday?
C. Are you going to the beach tomorrow?
D. Will you visit the beach soon?

Jawaban: A. Have you ever been to the beach?

Soal 30:

Which of the following words is a conjunction?
A. Run
B. And
C. Blue
D. Happy

Jawaban: B. And

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Semoga soal-soal ini menjadi tambahan yang baik untuk persiapan UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka.

Teruslah berlatih dan semangat dalam menghadapi ujian Anda.

Demikian informasi tentang 30 contoh soal UTS Bahas Inggris kelas 10 semester 1 kurikulum merdeka tahun 2023 beserta kunci jawaban soal.***

Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib


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