40 SOAL KSM IPS Terintegrasi MTs 2023 dan Kunci Jawaban, Contoh Soal KSM IPS MTs 2023 dan Pembahasannya

- 22 Juni 2023, 21:09 WIB
soal KSM IPS terintegrasi MTs 2023 dan kunci jawaban
soal KSM IPS terintegrasi MTs 2023 dan kunci jawaban /pexels.com

Implementasi hadis ini dapat dijumpai dalam bentuk ....

(A) penanaman tumpang sari

(B) reboisasi wilayah pantai

(C) pemanfaatan lahan kosong

(D) pencegahan perubahan iklim

Jawaban: C

5. Indonesia's landscapes have various forms of appearance. Each of them has the characteristics of flora and fauna that must be maintained and preserved by every Muslim. In addition to the Qur'an and hadith as the basis for implementing the management of natural resources, another source of value can be found in the content in Asmaul Husna, namely ....

(A) Al-Wakil

(B) Al-Matin

(C) Al-Mukmin


Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib


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