30 Soal Sumatif PAT UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 & Merdeka Tahun Ajaran 2023 PDF

- 9 Juni 2023, 18:59 WIB
30 Soal Sumatif PAT UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 & Merdeka Tahun Ajaran 2023 PDF
30 Soal Sumatif PAT UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 & Merdeka Tahun Ajaran 2023 PDF /pexels.com / Karolina Grabowska /

20. Teacher, student, and soldier. In Indonesia is ...
A. Guru, Murid, dan Polisi
B. Guru, Murid, dan Dokter
C. Guru, Murid, dan Tentara

21. What is animals on the picture ...

A. Dolphin C. Donkey
B. Crocodile

22. The ..... can fly (burung)
A. Horse C. Dog
B. Bird

23. A ..... lives in china

A. Pinguin C. Cow
B. Panda

24. Cow can produce milk and meat. Cow is ...

A. Buffalo C. Cow
B. Camel

25. Giraffes animals that has very long neck. The colour of a zebra is ...

A. Black and brown
B. White and red
C. Black and white

26. This is a .....
A. Bag
B. Big
C. Bog

27. That is a .....
A. Window
B. Blackboard
C. Cupboard

28. She is Mrs. Rahardian. She is my .....
A. Mother
B. Grandmother
C. Sister

29. The table is ..... (besar)

A. Big C. Small
B. Long


Editor: Ahmad Khakim


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