45 Soal Sumatif PAT UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Semester 2 PDF Kurikulum 2013 dan Kurikulum Merdeka 2023

- 6 Juni 2023, 18:46 WIB
45 Soal Sumatif PAT UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Semester 2 PDF Kurikulum 2013 dan Kurikulum Merdeka 2023
45 Soal Sumatif PAT UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Semester 2 PDF Kurikulum 2013 dan Kurikulum Merdeka 2023 /pexels.com

Text for no. 1 - 5

Rena’s weekly schedule
Monday 07.00 – 13.30 School
15.00 – 17.00 Swimming
Tuesday 07.00 – 13.30 School
15.00 – 17.00 Dancing Club
Wednesday 07.00 – 13.30 School
15.00 – 17.00 Dancing Club
Thursday 07.00 – 13.30 School
14.00 – 15.00 Visit the library
Friday 07.00 – 11.00 School
15.00 – 17.00 Cinema
Saturday 09.00 – 11.00 English course
15.00 – 17.00 Dancing Club

1. How often does Rena practice the dance?
A. Once a week C. Three times a week
B. Twice a week D. Four times a week

2. What does Rena’s do on Saturday morning?
A. she goes to the cinema
B. she goes to an English course
C. she visits the library
D. she goes to swimming pool

3. When is Rena off school?
A. on Fridays
B. on Fridays and Saturdays
C. on Saturdays and Sundays
D. every day

4. When does Rena visit the library?
A. on Thursday afternoon
B. on Thursday morning
C. on Monday afternoon
D. on Monday morning

5. On Friday Rena . . . .
A. visits the library
B. goes to her English course
C. goes to the swimming pool
D. goes home earlier from school

6. Firman . . . studies in the evening. He does it after dinner everyday.
A. sometimes C. rarely
B. always D. never

7. Susi always ..... dinner everyday. She likes cooking very much.
A. Make C. Makes
B. Made D. Making

8. My father doesn’t .... coffee every morning
A. To drink C. Drinks
B. Drink D. Drinking

Text for no 9-12
It’s nice Sunday morning. Hasan’s family are doing separate activities. Mr. and Mrs. Hasan are on their bicycles. They are going to the market groceries. Rama the oldest son. is playing guitar in the backyard. The twin daughters. Ami and Irma are reading a book together in the backyard at the same place the youngest daughter Mona. Is drinking a glass of milk.


Editor: Ahmad Khakim


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