40 SOAL UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban, Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 2023

- 20 Mei 2023, 08:54 WIB
soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 dan kunci jawaban
soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 dan kunci jawaban /pexels.com

12. In the evening we left for Jakarta by wisata bus.

What part of generic structure which suitable with the text?
A. Orientation          D. Generic
B. Events                E. Recount text
C. Re-orientation

Jawaban: C

13. On Thursday, visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temple is being renovated. On Friday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to Borobudur. We arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard the announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed.

What part of generic structure which suitable with the text?
A. Orientation         D. Generic
B. Re-orientation    E. Recount text
C. Events

Jawaban: C

Baca Juga: 40 SOAL PAT Geografi Kelas 10 Semester 2 2023 dan Kunci Jawaban, Contoh Soal PAT Geografi Kelas 10 SMA 2023

The text below to answer the questions no 14-20!

A long time ago, very few people lived in the New Territories. There were only a few villages. If the people wanted to go from one village to another, they often had to pass through wild and unsafe forest.

One day, a farmer’s young wife went to the next village to visit her own mother and brother. She brought along her baby son. When it was time for her to leave, her brother said “ it is getting dark. Let my son, Ah Tim go with you though the forest.”


Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib


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