KUMPULAN Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 dan Jawaban, Download Soal UTS 2023

- 21 Februari 2023, 11:12 WIB
Ilustrasi belajar. IPS Kelas 8 Halaman 179, Kunci Jawaban Tabel 3.8 Aktivitas Kelompok: Kondisi Sektor Pertanian, Bab 3 Semester.*
Ilustrasi belajar. IPS Kelas 8 Halaman 179, Kunci Jawaban Tabel 3.8 Aktivitas Kelompok: Kondisi Sektor Pertanian, Bab 3 Semester.* /pexels/katerina holmes/

Jawaban : B

25. From the text above, we can conculde that Mr. Lanjar’s proffesion is _________.
A. a policeman C. a chef
B. a doctor D. a teacher

Jawaban : D

Question numbers 26 to 28. Read and understand the sentences below. Then, answer the question.
Lina : Hey, Edo. By the way, do you learn English a lot?
Edo : I learn English at least two hours every night. My friend, Roxy learns English at least four hours. She is very serious to improve her English skills. How about you? Do you spend a lot of time to learn English?
Lina : No, I don't. I spend a little time to learn English. Also, I don 't like to learn it so much.
Edo : Then, why do you learn English?
Lina : My morn wants me to learn English. I dislike English. You know I like to learn Chinese language.
Edo : In that case, I think that you should talk to your mom. Tell her that you want to learn Chinese language.

26. Why does Roxy study English for at least four hours? Because _______.
A. she wants to make her English better
B. her mother tells her to do so
C. she hates other language
D. she loves Chinese language

Jawaban : A

27. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the dialogue?
A. Edo studies Chinese language
B. Roxy hates English
C. Lina doesn’t like English
D. Lina’s mother studies English

Jawaban : C

28. "... Also, I don’t like to learn it so much ...”
From the sentence above, the underline word refers to ________.
A. Chinese language C. Time
B. English D. Skills

Jawaban : B


Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib


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