SOAL UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya, Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Tahun 2023

- 8 Februari 2023, 11:19 WIB
soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 dan jawabannya
soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 dan jawabannya /

5. The organization of the text above is…..
A. Abstract, orientation, crisis, incident,coda
B. Orientation, event, re-orientation
C. Orientation, complication, resolution
D. Description, background events, sources
E. Orientation, event, event, event

Jawaban : D

Baca Juga: LATIHAN Soal UTS Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban Kurikulum 2013 Contoh Soal UTS 2023

Quations no 6 to 8!

From : Principle
To : All teachers and staff

Please attend the meeting at our school on Wednesday, 1st March 2021 at 10 a.m. We will discuss about classroom management and activities during quarantine period for Covid-19. Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

6. What is the purpose of the memo above?
A. to inform all teachers and staff to do self quarantine
B. to persuade all teachers and staff to do socialization about Covid-19
C. to informs all teachers and staff to attend the meeting
D. to discuss about classroom management and activities
E. to invite all teachers and staff to discuss about Covid-19

Jawaban : C

7. Who will attend the meeting?
A. Principle
B. All teachers and staff
C. Principle and staff
D. Principle, all teachers and staff
E. Staff only

Jawaban : D


Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib


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