40 Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 XII Semester 1 Pilihan Ganda dan Kunci Jawaban Tingkat SMA MA SMK

- 27 Oktober 2022, 22:59 WIB
Ilustrasi 40 Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 XII Semester 1 Pilihan Ganda dan Kunci Jawaban Tingkat SMA MA SMK
Ilustrasi 40 Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 XII Semester 1 Pilihan Ganda dan Kunci Jawaban Tingkat SMA MA SMK /pixabay/picjumbo_com

8. I hope he ..... Come back again.

A. was D. must
B. should E. will
C. is

Jawaban: E

9. Raisa : I don’t know whether I will take the
scholarship or not. It does not cover the plane ticket. I don’t have enough money for it.
Hamish : ...
Raisa : Thank you a million. That’s very kind of

Which of the following setences best fill the blank.........?

A. I’ll find a sponsor for you, if you want.
B. Can you find a sponsor?
C. You’d better to leave the scholarship.
D. I don’t mind if you don’t take it.
E. I’ll be happy, if you take it.

Jawaban: A

10. Dian : The cake is scrumptious! I love it.
Joni : ...... another piece?
Dian : Thank you. You should tell me the recipe.
Joni : I will.

Which of the following offering expressions best fill the blank......?

A. Do you mind if you have
B. Would you like
C. Shall you hav
D. Can I have you
E. I will bring you


Editor: Ahmad Khakim


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