40 CONTOH Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban Kurikulum 2013 Tahun 2022

- 3 September 2022, 00:35 WIB
contoh soal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 dan kunci jawaban kurikulum 2013 tahun 2022
contoh soal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 dan kunci jawaban kurikulum 2013 tahun 2022 /unsplash.com

19. Dear Esther

Ever since I heard about your success as the first winner of singing contest of FLS2N. I know how long and how hard you practiced. We are all very proud of you. We wish you all the best in pursuing your dream to be a popular singer some day.

Chairperson of Class 9 A

The text above shows that . . .
A. The writer is one of the contestants
B. Esther is the best student
C. Esther is the best singer
D. Rudy is Esther's special friend

Jawaban: C

20. Dear Esther

Ever since I heard about your success as the first winner of singing contest of FLS2N. I know how long and how hard you practiced. We are all very proud of you. We wish you all the best in pursuing your dream to be a popular singer some day.

Chairperson of Class 9 A

The text is for . . . of FL2SN.
A. The best student
B. The best teacher
C. The best singer
D. The best graduate student

Jawaban: C


Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib


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