SOAL Bahasa Inggris Akademik Polri PDF dan Kunci Jawaban, Contoh Soal Tes Akademik Bahasa Inggris Polri 2022

- 22 Mei 2022, 06:08 WIB
contoh soal tes akademik Bahasa Inggris Polri 2022
contoh soal tes akademik Bahasa Inggris Polri 2022 /

Ide utama dalam paragraf keempat adalah saran kepada pemerintah untuk melakukan tindakan terhadap keluhan warga tentang jalan yang rusak.

Text for number 4- 6

Continued progress in advanced technology is not necessary. Already the technical progress in our world has caused severe pollution in the air and in the water. Although the technical progress in previous years has been helpful, recent technology has significantly increased pollution. Another reason to stop technical progress is that many inventions which were developed for good causes are now also used for powerful weapons to have been found have serious side effects. For example, pesticide put inside particle boards to prevent termites has now be found to be toxic to human life. Technology does not always bring good effects; for example, computers do much work faster than man, but then man loses his job to a machine. Because no man can guarantee that technology will have only good effects and will be used only for the benefit of man, we should delay the continued development of technology.

4. The text mainly tells us about ….
A. The advantage of technical progress in our world
B. The necessity to delay technical progress
C. The development of technical progress to fulfill human’s needs
D. The examples of negative impacts caused by technical progress
E. The postponement of technical progress due to negative impacts

Jawaban: B

Teks tersebut menceritakan tentang perlunya untuk menunda perkembangan teknologu bagi umat manusia karena efek negatif yang akan ditimbulkan.

5. Why should we postpone continuing development of technology?
A. Because it brings good effects and bad effects for us
B. Because human does not need it anymore
C. Because no one can promise that technology will be only used for prosperity
D. Because technology will create new innovation that gives benefit to us
E. Because technical progress helps our job

Jawaban: C

Alasan mengapa kita harus menunda perkembangan teknologi adalah karena tidak ada seorang pun yang mau menanggung bahwa kemajuan teknologi hanya ditujukan untuk kemakmuran. Hal ini bisa dilihat pada kalimat, “Because no man can guarantee that technology will have only good effects and will be used only for the benefit of man, we should delay the continued development of technology.”

Baca Juga: 40 CONTOH Soal Tes Akademik Wawasan Kebangsaan Bintara Polri 2022 Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawabannya


Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib


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