Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 dan Jawabannya 2022, Latihan Soal USBN Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 2022

- 7 April 2022, 04:25 WIB
Inilah latihan soal US PAI kelas 9 SMP yang bisa menjadi bahan belajar menghadapi ujian lengkap dengan kunci jawaban
Inilah latihan soal US PAI kelas 9 SMP yang bisa menjadi bahan belajar menghadapi ujian lengkap dengan kunci jawaban /pixabay/

Jawaban: A

11. I ..... studied for two hours.

A. Have     D. Had
B. Been     E. Has been
C. Has

Jawaban: A

Baca Juga: Soal UTS PTS Matematika Kelas 5 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 Tahun 2022 Lengkap Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan

12. Kian ..... this movie three times.

A. Sees         D. Has seen
B. Is seeing    E. Sees
C. Has been seen

Jawaban: D

The following text is for question 13 to 15 !

Animals should not be used in circus. The environment where they perform and their living conditions are usually inappropriate. Tigers, for example which naturally live in wilderness, must perform tricks on a narrow stage and spend their lifetime in a small cage.
Besides, the living conditions of the circus animals are poor. They live in a cramped condition most of theirtime. They actually need more space to roam. They also do not have freedom to live with their own kind.
We should ban the use of animals in circus and their confinement there.
Why does the writer consider circus


Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib


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