Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 126 Pembahsan Soal Vocabulary Exercises

- 5 Maret 2022, 09:10 WIB

Portal Kudus - Pembahasan soal dan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA dan MA  halaman 126 vocabullary: fill in the blanks with the rigth word.

Materi pembelajaran merujuk ada buku Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 edisi revisi 2017 untuk kelas 10 SMA dan MA.

Artikel ini berisi kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA dan MA halaman 126 vocabullary: fill in the blanks with the rigth word.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 10 Halaman 223, dan 224 Pembahasan Materi Pola Penyajian Teks Biografi

Sebelum membuka kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 ini hendaknya siswa memahami materi pembelajaran dan menjawab soal pertanyaan sendiri terlebih dahulu.

Pada artikel ini, kunci jawaban ditujukan kepada orang tua sebagai panduan dan pembanding untuk mengoreksi pekerjaan anak.

Berikut pembahasan soal dan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA dan MA halaman 126 vocabullary: fill in the blanks with the rigth word.

Seperti dilansir Portalkudus.com dari alumnus Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Kudus, An'im Solahuddin S.Pd.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 10 Halaman 159 Telaah Faktor Keberhasilan Negosiasi

Kunci Jawaban halaman 125


Fill in the blanks with the right word. Don’t forget to change  the verbs into past tense when necessary.

1. The freedom fighters were forced to ____________, but their  faith in God and people’s dream strengthened them to keep on fighting against the aggressors.

2. The ________ militia refused to obey the British army’s instruction to surrender their weaponry to them.   

3. The city was under _______ so that nobody could get in or get out of the city. Luckily, the people depended on no one for their food.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 116, 117, dan 118 Write a Recount of Holiday

4. To ensure that they would win the battle, the foreign army sent ______________ to the battle ground, some of which include weaponry and logistical support.

5. Do not betray me. Be loyal to our agreement. Your betrayal will _________me. I can be really angry, and that can mean that there will be no more collaboration between us.

6. Last week, teenagers _________ in the center of the city to support the beginning of bike-to-school program. They all came riding their bicycles.

7. The defeat in the Battle of Surabaya __________the militia movement only for a while. The heroic spirit had spread out and inflamed others to continue fighting for the country’s independence. 


Editor: Candra Kartiko Sari

Sumber: Berbagai Sumber


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