40 SOAL Ujian UT PGSD Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2024 dan Kunci Jawaban Download Contoh UAS UT PGSD PDGK4304

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Portal Kudus - Simak inilah pembahasan tentang 40 soal ujian UT PGSD bahasa inggris tahun 2024 dan kunci jawaban, contoh UAS UT PGSD PDGK4304.

Pendidikan merupakan fondasi utama dalam membentuk generasi yang cerdas dan berkompeten.

Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, kebutuhan akan tenaga pendidik yang profesional dan berkualitas semakin meningkat.

Oleh karena itu, Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) merupakan salah satu bentuk evaluasi yang penting dalam menilai pemahaman dan keterampilan mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD).

Pada semester pertama tahun 2024, mahasiswa PGSD akan menghadapi tantangan Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) sebagai bagian dari proses pembelajaran mereka.

Ujian ini dirancang untuk menguji pemahaman mereka terhadap berbagai materi yang telah dipelajari sepanjang semester ini.

Baca Juga: 50 Soal Ujian UT PDGK4403 Pendidikan Anak di SD 2023 dan Kunci Jawaban, Contoh Soal UAS UT PGSD PDGK4403

Dalam konteks ini, penting bagi mahasiswa untuk mempersiapkan diri dengan baik, mengasah kemampuan kognitif, dan menguasai konsep-konsep dasar yang menjadi landasan bagi keberhasilan mereka di masa depan sebagai pendidik.

Materi ujian akan mencakup berbagai aspek pembelajaran, mulai dari teori-teori pendidikan, metode mengajar, hingga pemahaman terhadap perkembangan anak usia dini.

Soal-soal yang disusun tidak hanya menguji kemampuan hafalan, tetapi juga kemampuan analisis, sintesis, dan penerapan konsep dalam konteks kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas.

Dengan menjalani ujian ini, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat mengevaluasi sejauh mana mereka telah menginternalisasi materi-materi yang telah diberikan oleh dosen.

Selain itu, UTS juga menjadi momen untuk merefleksikan kemajuan belajar mereka dan sebagai pemicu motivasi untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas diri sebagai calon guru.

Kesuksesan dalam menghadapi Ujian Tengah Semester ini tidak hanya akan mencerminkan pencapaian individu, tetapi juga menandai kontribusi mahasiswa PGSD dalam menciptakan lingkungan pendidikan yang lebih baik dan berkualitas.

Dikutip Portal Kudus dari berbagai sumber berikut adalah 50 soal ujian UT PGSD Bahasa Inggris semester 1 tahun 2024 dan kunci jawaban, contoh soal UAS UT PGSD PDGK4304 Bahasa Inggris.

Baca Juga: 30 CONTOH Soal UAS Hubungan Industrial UT 2023 dan Kunci Jawaban, Soal Ujian UT Manajemen EKMA4367 Hubungan

1. Good morning students. ... I’m a new teacher here.
A. My name is Christine
B. I am fine. Thanks
C. Are you Christine?
D. How are you?

Jawaban: A

2. Anton : What do you usually do before you go to school in the morning?
Eva : ....
A. I usually go to school at 5. 30 in the morning
B. I usually come to school late
C. I usually go to school by bus
D. I eat my breakfast

Jawaban: D

3. Heru : How do you feel Martin? You look so sad.
Martin : ....
A. I am fine. Thanks
B. How do you do?
C. Fine. Thanks
D. I feel tired

Jawaban: D

4. Ana : ....
Dina : I’m an elementary school teacher.
A. Are you an elementary school teacher?
B. What's your name of work?
C. What's your job, Dina?
D. Where is your address?

Jawaban: C

5. Andi : Excuse me. ...
Anwar : My name is Anwar.
A. Where are you from?
B. Is your name Andi?
C. What’s your name, please?
D. How are you doing?

Jawaban: C

6. Anti : Hi! How are you?
Arin : ...
A. I'm very well. Thank you
B. How do you do?
C. How are you?
D. I'm Arin

Jawaban: A

7. Ita : Dita, this is Mary.
Dita : Hi, Mary. ....
Mary : How do you do? It’s nice to meet you.
A. I'm Dita. It's nice to meet you
B. Hello! It's nice to meet you
C. How do you do?
D. How are you?

Jawaban: C

Baca Juga: 50 SOAL UAS Pengantar Ekonomi Makro UT 2023 dan Kunci Jawaban, Contoh Soal Ujian UT Pengantar Ekonomi Makro

8. Mr. Suryo ... to a new house next month.
A. is going to move
B. will to move
C. will moves
D. is moving

Jawaban: A

9. Hana never eats breakfast in the morning.
Kalimat ini berarti bahwa Hana ...
A. selalu sarapan
B. tidak pernah sarapan
C. biasanya sarapan
D. sering sarapan

Jawaban: B

10. Rinto ... football yesterday.
A. play
B. plays
C. played
D. playing

Jawaban: C

11. Hamid : ....
Hilda : I have two children, one boy and one son.
A. How many people are there in your family?
B. How many children do you have, Hilda?
C. Do you have a boy and a girl?
D. Do you have any children?

Jawaban: B

12. Jim and Meta have two children, Johan and Mita. Johan is ...
A. Jim's daughter
B. Jim's brother
C. Meta's sister
D. Meta's son

Jawaban: D

13. Agung : Are you married, Wayan?
Wayan : ....
A. Yes, I did. I married Wayan
B. Yes, you are married
C. No, I'm not. I'm still single
D. No, I am not. I have one boy

Jawaban: C

14. Anita is Sinta’s daughter. She has long and black hair. Her skin is white. She is tall and slim.
What is Anita’s physical appearence? She is ...
A. tall, slim, her hair is long and black, and her skin is white
B. beautiful, dilligent, intelligent, and friendly girl
C. good looking girl, nice, beautiful, and friendly
D. one of Sinta's daughter

Jawaban: D

15. This is my hand bag. It is ... in shape.
A. Circular
B. Semi circular
C. Rectangular
D. Trapezoidal

Jawaban: D

16. Rendi and Lina are Mr. Gultom’s ....
A. granddaughters
B. grand children
C. grand parents
D. grand sons

Jawaban: B

Baca Juga: 50 SOAL UAS Pengantar Ekonomi Makro UT 2023 dan Kunci Jawaban, Contoh Soal Ujian UT Pengantar Ekonomi Makro

17. What time is it?
It is ...
A. a quarter past twelve
B. a quarter to twelve
C. twelve fourty-five
D. twelve fifteen

Jawaban: A

18. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is ...
A. Saturday
B. Thursday
C. Tuesday
D. Friday

Jawaban: B

19. Teacher : Where is Arini?
Student : She ... in the library at he moment.
A. study
B. studies
C. stuying
D. is studing

Jawaban: D

20. Up to the present, Rita ... the first chapter of her project paper.
A. does
B. is doing
C. has done
D. have done

Jawaban: C

21. Receptionist : National Library. Good afternoon.
Shirley : Good afternoon. ....
Receptionist : I’m sorry. He is out for lunch.
A. Is it seven six three, five three, four five?
B. May I speak to Mr. Haryono, please?
C. Is it the National Library?
D. This is Shirley speaking

Jawaban: B

22. Buyer : Excuse me. Where can I buy the fruits?
Shop keeper : They are in the ...
A. meat department
B. produce section
C. bakery section
D. dairy section

Jawaban: B

23. Traditional Market Supermarket
Sugar Rp.6500 Rp.7000
Fried oil/Liter Rp. 7000 Rp.7500
Dari table yang diberikan, kita dapat membuat perbandingan seperti
A. The prices in the traditional market is more expensive than those in the
B. Sugar is more expensive in the traditional market than that in the
C. Fried oil is cheaper in the traditional market than that in the supermarket
D. Sugar is cheaper in the supermarket than that in the traditional market

Jawaban: C

24. I’m very thirsty. I need ... water to drink.
A. a glass of
B. a piece of
C. a slice of
D. a kilo of

Jawaban: A

25. My mother needs to buy ...
A. some apple
B. some cheese
C. an oranges
D. a cheese

Jawaban: B

26. Do you put ... sugar in my tea? It’s too sweet.
A. a lot of
B. several
C. many
D. any

Jawaban: A

Baca Juga: 40 SOAL UAS Perekonomian Indonesia UT 2023 dan Kunci Jawaban, Contoh Latihan Soal Ujian UT Manajemen ESPA4314

27. Buyer : ... I want to buy a kilo of mango.
Seller : Yes, here you are. Two thousand rupiahs.
A. Do you have a change for ten thousand rupiahs?
B. How much does a kilo of mango cost?
C. How many mangoes do you need?
D. Do you want some mangoes?

Jawaban: A

28. The waitres : May I take your order, please?
Marta : ....
A. Yes, I would like fried rice with scramble eggs, salad, and chili sauce
B. I like to have something to eat and drink for my breakfast
C. What would you like for your breakfast?
D. I need to have a table for five

Jawaban: A

29. Foreigner : Excuse me. How to get to Ragunan zoo, please?
Rudi : ...
A. You take the bus to Pasar Minggu, and take the other public transportation to Ragunan Zoo
B. Take any public transportation, then ask the driver to get you off at the Zoo
C. It is very far away, but you can walk along the road side to the Zoo
D. You can go there by plane then take the Damri Bandara bus

Jawaban: A

30. Alam : ......
Andri : It takes about an hour by bus.
A. Do you go to the office by bus, or by any other transportation?
B. How long does it take to the office from your house?
C. Is it very long time to get to your office by bus?
D. How many hours do you need?

Jawaban: B

31. Berta : What time does the bus arrive?
Rita : At nine. ....
A. Don't wait for the bus in the bus stop. It is forbidden
B. Don't be late. You will wait for another one hour
C. Don't wait for the bus here. There is a police
D. Don't stop the bus here. It is forbidden

Jawaban: B

32. New comer : ....
Linda : No, it does not. You must take the other bus.
A. Do you know which bus goes to the railway station?
B. Can you tell me which bus goes to Bandar Lampung?
C. Excuse me. Which bus goes to Surabaya?
D. Excuse me. Does this bus go to the zoo?

Jawaban: D

Baca Juga: DAFTAR Posisi yang Dibuka untuk Petugas Haji Cek Detail Formasi Pendaftaran TKHI dan PPIH 2024 haji 1445 H

33. Martin : How often does the bus come?
Mary : ....
A. Here is the new bus schedule
B. It comes every 15 minutes
C. The bus often comes late
D. Four thousand rupiahs

Jawaban: B

34. Any : ...
Hana : Take the Mayasari Bus number 05, and then get off at Ratu Plaza. Cross the road to Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. My office is in Building C, 13th floor.
A. Which bus does it go to your office?
B. How do you go to your office?
C. How do I get to your office?
D. Where is your office?

Jawaban: C

35. Marla : .......
Patta : It costs about Rp. 1.700.000,-
A. What time does the first flight by Garuda leave for Makasar?
B. Could you give me the flight schedule to Makasar, please?
C. How much does the Garuda ticket to Makasar cost?
D. Excuse me. Is there still a flight to Makasar?

Jawaban: C

36. Dita : What do you usually do in your leisure time.?
Dini : ....
A. I work in the office from morning till evening
B. I usually work over time in the office
C. I finish my office work at home
D. I usually do some gardening

Jawaban: D

37. Andi : What’s your hobby, Dona?
Dona : ....
A. My hobby is playing badminton
B. I am playing badminton
C. I am doing my hobby
D. This is my hobby

Jawaban: A

38. Adam : How many times a week do you usually play badminton?
Dona : ....
A. I usually play three times a week
B. I play badminton many times
C. My hobby is badminton
D. I am doing my hobby

Jawaban: A

39. Wulan : Which places do people usually visit for recreation?
Widi : ....
A. Matahari department store; Borobudur department store; Ramayana department store; and Giant mega store
B. Sanur beach, Bali; Borobudur, Yogyakarta; or Bunaken National Park Sea, North Sulawesi
C. Family houses; antique museum; old buildings; historical places; and railway stations
D. Farm areas, gold mining sites, traditional market, junggles, and schools

Jawaban: B

Baca Juga: DIBUKA 1.794 Posisi Petugas Haji Cek Daftar Formasi yang Dibutuhkan Pendaftaran TKHI dan PPIH 2024 Haji 1445 H

40. Norma : What activity do you usually do for the leasure time?
Iwan : ....
A. I do it for the leasure time
B. I do some activities
C. I usually go hiking
D. I am hiking

Jawaban: C

Demikian terkait 50 soal ujian UT PGSD bahasa inggris tahun 2023 dan kunci jawaban, contoh UAS UT PGSD PDGK4304.***

Editor: Azkaa Najmuts Tsaqib


