Contoh Dialog Singkat Interview Kerja dalam Bahasa Inggris

28 Juli 2022, 18:57 WIB
Ilustrasi Contoh Dialog Singkat Interview Kerja dalam Bahasa Inggris /Pixabay/harbucks/

Portal Kudus – Pertanyaan – pertanyaan pada interview kerja biasanya akan disesuaikan dengan posisi yang dilamar. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk melakukan riset terlebih dahulu mengenai posisi yang dilamar.

Selain riset, latihan dialog interview juga penting. Latihan dialog dapat dilakukan dengan meminta tolong rekan atau anggota keluarga untuk menjadi lawan bicara.

Berikut ini adalah contoh – contoh dialog interview dalam bahasa inggris.

Contoh 1 :

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Pewawancara : Please introduce yourself.

Kandidat : My name is xxx, I graduated from xxx, majoring in xxx.

Pewawancara : Have you had any work experiences related with the field of xxx (posisi yang dilamar)? And why do you think that you are suitable for this position?

Kandidat : I’ve had a couple of experiences relating to this field (posisi yang dilamar) which I have mentioned in my CV. I believe that my two years experience as a staff of xxx can be advantage.

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Pewawancara : Please mention your strength and weakness.

Kandidat : I can work well with others. I consider myself to be a team-player. I like to work with other people and I find that it's much easier to achieve something when everyone works together and communicates well. Also, I always on time. And for my weakness, I am disorganized. But I have created a time-management system, which allows me to list all my duties and organize my deadlines so I have a clearer idea of what I need to do.

Contoh 2 :

Pewawancara : Tell me about yourself.

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Kandidat : My name is xxx. I am xx years old. I am a freshgraduate from the xxx (nama sekolah/universitas) majoring in xxx. During college, I had experience with an organization called xx and my position there was xxx.

Pewawancara : Why did you apply for this position?

Kandidat : The reason why I am applying for this position is that I have always been interested in this field, which is why I chose to follow this career path. This position might not be relevant to my degree, but I have experience in this field while I was in a college organization for two years.

Pewawancara : What do you know about this company?

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Kandidat : This company is the largest company engaged in the xx sector. It was established in 1970 and has been one of the best in this country and have been awarded as xx in 2022.***

Editor: Ahmad Khakim

Sumber: Berbagai Sumber


