50 CONTOH Soal Akademik Polri dan Jawabannya pdf 2023, Pelajari Kisi-Kisi dan Materi Uji Akademik Akpol 2023

- 20 Mei 2023, 20:36 WIB
contoh soal akademik Polri dan jawabannya PDF 2023.
contoh soal akademik Polri dan jawabannya PDF 2023. /pexels/anna nekrashevich

A. reformasi
B. restruktirisasi
C. stabilisasi
D. evolusi
E. eksplorasi

Jawaban: A

Contoh soal akademik Polri

Questions 1 to 2 refer to the following monologue


Hans Christian Anderson is a very famous author. He was born on April 2nd 1825. He used to be an unlucky Danish boy.

He spent his childhood full of sadness. His father was only a poor shoemaker and his mother worked as washer woman. At age of 11, his father died.

1. What does the speaker talk about….

a. A famous author.
b. A poor shoemaker.
c. A Danish boy.
d. A washer woman.
e. A hard work mother.


Editor: Al Mahfud


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