2023: CONTOH Soal SNPDB MAN IC 2022 Download dan Pelajari Latihan Soal CBT SNPDB MAN Insan Cendekia

24 Februari 2023, 18:53 WIB
contoh soal SNPDB MAN IC 2022 2023. /pexels/mockupeditorcom

Portal Kudus - Simak dan pelajari contoh soal SNPDB MAN IC 2022 download latihan soal CBT SNPDB MAN Insan Cendekia berikut. 

Buat kamu yang bersiap untuk mengikuti tes CBT SNPDB MAN Insan Cendekia 2023, simak contoh soal berikut. 

Sebagaimana dijadwalkan, pelaksanaan CBT SNPDB MAN IC 2023 adalah pada tanggal 25-26 Februari 2023.

Baca Juga: Waspada! BMKG Keluarkan Peringatan Dini Gelombang Tinggi Hingga 6 Meter di Wilayah Ini

Sebelumnya, telah dilakukan uji coba CBT pada tanggal 22-23 Februari 2023. Sebagai persiapan, tentu penting untuk belajar mengerjakan contoh soal. 

Dengan berlatih mengerjakan contoh soal SNPDB MAN IC, diharapkan bisa memberi bekal agar bisa mengerjakan tes SNPDB 2023 dengan baik. 

Kamu bisa mengerjakan soal-soal SNPDB MAN IC pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, seperti soal SNPDB 2022 dan 2021. 

Baca Juga: PAHAMI Tanggungan Orang Tua SNBP Adalah Ini Maksudnya, Cara Menghitung dan Mengisi Jumlahnya Saat Daftar SNBP

Di bawah ini akan disajikan contoh soal SNPDB MAN IC 2022 yang bisa kamu pelajari sebagai persiapan tes CBT SNPDB MAN IC 2023/2024:

Soal SNPDB MAN IC 2022 Bahasa Inggris

Read the dialogue carefully.

NO. 1

Anisa: Why don’t we go the movie at the weekend?

There’s a premiere of Jurassic World Dominion

Rahma: I wish I could, but I’ve already promised to visit my Grandma with my mom and dad.

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Anisa: It’s alright, then. We can have it next week. Will you?

Rahma: Well, I’m so sorry. I have to go to my nephew’s birthday party next week.

Anisa: How about the day after?

Rahma: Well, I am thinking about it.

Anisa: OK, tell me as soon as possible when you have already had a decision. I really need you to accompany me. I don’t wanna go alone.

Rahma: All right. I’ll let you know soon.

- Which of the following is true based on the dialogue?

a. Rahma doesn’t give any decision yet that she could go with Anisa.

b. Rahma would go to see a movie with her nephew next week.

c. Rahma could see the movie with Anisa.

d. Rahma has decided to go.

NO. 2

Fajar: Hey, look at this! Isn’t it the picture of the protocol for protecting ourselves in the public and workplace against the COVID-19? Who has put it, here? It is so clear as it can be found everywhere.

Gifar: Yes. But I think, there should be some additional instructions there regarding how to clean personal workspace items that are frequently touched, such as our desk, computer mouse, and keyboard, with cleaning spray or wipes.

Fajar: You bet! Those are simple everyday practices at the workplace and school that should be written everywhere to remind public to protect against bacteria and viruses:

Gifar: You have a point there. I think everybody should accept this new way of life to be more careful and obedient to follow the protocol.

- What can you imply from the dialog?

a. Gifar’s argument restates what Fajar has mentioned.

b. Gifar shows his doubtful argument to minimize the Covid-19 infection.

c. Gifar has no doubt about Fajar’s opinion on protecting against bacteria and viruses.

d. Fajar and Gifar’s arguments seem contradictory regarding the Covid-19 protecting guidelines.

NO. 3

Fajar: We can find the protocol for protecting ourselves from the COVID-19 everywhere.

Gifar: Yes. I think, there should be some additional instructions regarding how to clean personal workspace items we frequently touched.

Fajar: You bet! Those are simple everyday practices to do.

Gifar: You have a point there. I think everybody should accept this new way of life.

- What can you imply from the dialog?

a. Gifar’s argument restates what Fajar has mentioned.

b. Gifar shows his doubtful argument to minimize the Covid-19 infection.

c. Gifar has no doubt about Fajar’s opinion on the practical way of the Covid-19 protocol.

d. Fajar and Gifar’s arguments seem contradictory regarding the Covid-19 protecting guidelines.

NO. 4

Read the text carefully.

Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath born in 15 April 1452 and died 2 May 1519. He was famous for his interest on areas of architecture, sculpting, music, science, engineering, mathematics, anatomy, literature and many more. He is called as the father of iconology, architecture and paleontology. Some aeronautic experts said that Leonardo was the man who firstly put the foundation of helicopter, parachute and tank.

Leonardo da Vinci is a great painter and had Mona Lisa as the most popular portrait and maybe the most expensive art collection in the world. Besides creating portrait and inventing many things, Leonardo also created religious painting, the most famous is of course The Last Supper. There are no such genius artists in the world who can replace Leonardo da Vinci (www.getenglishnow.org).

- From the above text, we could conclude that the writer….

a. would inform the reader that Leonardo da Vinci is the most popular designer.

b. tells us about how Leonardo da Vinci created helicopter, parachute, and tank.

c. would inform the reader that Leonardo da Vinci is the best artist in the world ever.

d. tells us that Leonardo da Vinci spent much of his life time for painting and art work.

NO. 5

“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is a customer announcement, owner of Honda Jazz with license plate number B 1068 CX, Daihatsu Xenia with license plate B 1934 HI are required to move the vehicles from the entrance gate area to the available parking lot next on the right side of the grocery store or behind the Cinema XXI building, thank you.”

Which one of the following sentences shows the right action that the customers should do?

a. Go to the entrance gate for their car. 

b. Park their cars at the right parking area

c. Leave their cars on the side of the street.

d. Move the parking between the grocery and the cinema.

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Demikian kumpulan contoh soal SNPDB MAN IC 2022 Bahasa Inggris download latihan soal CBT SNPDB MAN Insan Cendekia.***


Editor: Al Mahfud


