Lirik dan Makna Lagu 'If I Had Gun' oleh Noel Gallagher

- 14 Juni 2024, 19:37 WIB
Ilustrasi laki-laki dan perempuan sedang tunjukkan stamina
Ilustrasi laki-laki dan perempuan sedang tunjukkan stamina /Pexel/allan mas

Portal Kudus - Artikel ini menyediakan lirik lagu lagu "If I Had Gun" yang dinyanyikan oleh Noel Gallagher.

Arti dari lagu ini adalah menggambarkan perasaan cinta yang dalam dan kerinduan yang mendalam. "If I Had a Gun..." (Jika aku punya senjata...), menciptakan gambaran tentang keinginan seseorang untuk mengekspresikan perasaannya dengan cara yang dramatis atau ekstrim.

Berikut lirik dari lagu "If I Had Gun" oleh Noel Gallagher:

Baca Juga: Lirik dan Makna Lagu We'll be okay, for today oleh Arash Buana

If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun
And love would burn this city down for you
If I had the time, I'd stop the world and make you mine
And every day would stay the same with you

Give you back the dream, show you now what might had been
If all the tears you cry would fade away (away, away, away...)
I'll be by your side, when they come to say goodbye
We will live to fight another day

Excuse me if I spoke too soon
My eyes have always followed you around the room
'Cause you're the only god that I will ever need
I'm holding on and waiting for the moment to find me

Hope I didn't speak to soon
My eyes have always followed you around the room
'Cause you're the only god that I will ever need
I'm holding on and waiting for the moment for my heart to be unbroken by the scene

Baca Juga: Lirik dan Makna Lagu Ocean Eyes oleh Billie Eilish

Let me fly you to the moon
My eyes have always followed you around the room
'Cause you're the only god that I will ever need
I'm holding on and waiting for the moment to find me

If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun
And love would burn this city down for you

Itulah lirik dan arti lagu "If I Had Gun".***

Editor: Kartika Kudus


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