Lirik dan Makna Lagu 'Bejeweled' oleh Taylor Swift

- 12 Juni 2024, 18:59 WIB
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift /Youtube Taylor Swift

Best believe I'm still bejeweled
When I walk in the room
I can still make the whole place shimmer (shimmer)
And when I meet the band
They ask, "Do you have a man?"
I can still say, "I don't remember"
Familiarity breeds contempt
Don't put me in the basement
When I want the penthouse of your heart
Diamonds in my eyes
I polish up real (nice), I polish up real nice

Baca Juga: Lirik dan Makna Lagu I Got Mine oleh Paul Partohap

And we're dancin' all night
And you can try to change my mind
But you might have to wait in line
What's a girl gonna do? What's a girl gonna do?
I polish up nice
Best believe I'm still bejeweled
When I walk in the room
I can still make the whole place shimmer

Itulah lirik dan arti lagu lagu "Bejeweled".***


Editor: Kartika Kudus


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