Lirik dan Makna Lagu 'I Got Mine' oleh Paul Partohap

- 12 Juni 2024, 18:42 WIB
Paul Partohap.
Paul Partohap. /Tangkapan layar Partohap/

Portal Kudus - Artikel ini menyediakan lirik lagu lagu "I Got Mine" yang dinyanyikan oleh Paul Partohap.

Arti dari lagu ini adalah menunjukkan bahwa pelaku dalam lagu ini telah mencapai sesuatu yang diinginkannya atau memperoleh apa yang dianggap penting dalam hidupnya.

Berikut lirik dari lagu "I Got Mine" oleh Paul Partohap:

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You are my rock
You are my strength
You help me see
How beautiful is life
Not sure I would
Find someone else
That would love me
With all my mistakes

And my flaws
My imperfections
My overthinking
And my overreaction
I'm sorry in advance
I know I'm too much
Still you said, you'll stay and stick around

Oh I got mine
I got you here by my side
I know I'll be fine
When you are around
You're enough
Sometimes I didn't realise
You always there to put me first
Even when I'm at my worst
It's not 'bout being perfect
It's that you're dedicated
To make sure that I always safe and sound
Oh I got you
And I found my future in you

You are my rock
You are my strength
You help me see
How beautiful is life
Not sure I would
Find someone else
That would love me
With all my mistakes

And my flaws
My imperfections
My overthinking
And my overreaction
I'm sorry in advance
I know I'm too much
Still you said, you'll stay and stick around

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Oh I got mine
I got you here by my side
I know I'll be fine
When you are around
You're enough
Sometimes I didn't realise
You always there to put me first
Even when I'm at my worst
It's not 'bout being perfect
It's that you're dedicated
To make sure that I always safe and sound
Oh I got you
And I found my future in you

Itulah lirik dan arti lagu lagu "I Got Mine".***

Editor: Kartika Kudus


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