Lirik dan Makna Lagu 'Somebody's Pleasure' oleh Aziz Hedra

- 3 Juni 2024, 13:23 WIB
Abdul Aziz Hedra
Abdul Aziz Hedra /Istimewa/

Portal Kudus - Artikel ini menyediakan lirik lagu lagu "Somebody's Pleasure" yang dinyanyikan oleh Aziz Hedra.

Arti dari lagu ini adalah mengacu pada usaha seseorang untuk menyenangkan atau memuaskan orang lain.

Berikut lirik dari lagu "Somebody's Pleasure" oleh Aziz Hedra:

Baca Juga: Makna Lagu Drunk Text oleh Henry Moodie dan Liriknya

I've been too busy, ignoring, and hiding
About what my heart actually say
Stay awake while I'm drowning on my thoughts
Sometimes a happiness is just a happiness

I've never been enjoyin' my serenity
Even if I've got a lot of company
That makes me happy

Soul try to figure it out
From where I've been escapin'
Running to end all the sin
Get away from the pressure

Wondering to get a love that is so pure
Gotta have to always make sure
That I'm not just somebody's pleasure

I always pretending and lying
I got used to feeling empty
'Cause all I got is unhappy
Happiness, can't I get happiness?

I've never been enjoyin' my serenity
Even if I've got a lot of company
That makes me happy

Soul try to figure it out
From where I've been escapin'
Running to end all the sin
Get away from the pressure


Editor: Kartika Kudus


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