Lirik dan Makna Lagu 'Where'd All The Time Go' oleh Dr. Dog

- 23 Mei 2024, 12:52 WIB
Ilustrasi - Laki-laki Laptop Ruang kerja
Ilustrasi - Laki-laki Laptop Ruang kerja /KarawangPost/Foto/Pixabay - lukasbieri

There's nothing to keep you (nothing to keep you)
From falling in love

Baca Juga: JAWABAN Jelaskan Upaya-Upaya Pemerintah untuk Menghadapi Tantangan Perekonomian Global Saat Inil

It starts at the bottom (starts at the bottom)
And comes from above
Like pieces of a puzzle
Like a hand in a glove

She gets dressed up like a pillow so she's always in bed
Flowers for the sick and dead
She's on the go, way too fast and way too slow
She'll turn and stop at hospitals and funeral homes
And when the tide rises
Somebody sinks and is gone in the blink of an eye

Somebody sinks and is gone in the blink of an eye

Itulah lirik dan arti lagu 'Where'd All The Time Go'.***


Editor: Kartika Kudus


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